Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Emagrecer Urgente

A DIETA DE 21 DIAS é um Método inovador e cientificamente comprovado com base em mais de 1200 experimentos científicos para VOCÊ emagrecer urgente e perder de 5 a 10 quilos de Gordura Corporal em Apenas 21 dias - E O MELHOR ,100% Garantido !


A Dieta de 21 dias, utiliza estrategicamente os nutrientes 100% natural e corretos que tem uma combinação perfeita com o método completo:

Ajudando a utilizar a GORDURA COMO FONTE DE ENERGIA;

Mantendo a sua MASSA MUSCULAR;

Acelerando seu 

Aumentando em até 6X mais os níveis de HORMÔNIO DE CRESCIMENTO ( GH), que dentre os benefícios,aumenta a queima de gordura e melhora o tônus muscular;

Te oferece um trabalho personalizado que vai te guiar passo a passo, te mostrando O QUE COMER, QUANTO COMER e QUANDO COMER. Focando em oferecer os nutrientes essenciais para que seu corpo possa se manter saudável;

HORMÔNIO DE CRESCIMENTO faz com que VOCÊ tenha uma pele e cabelo mais bonito, músculos mais saudáveis e melhor condição de vida de uma maneira em geral!!!


Dr. Rodolfo Aurélio
A Dieta de 21 dias foi desenvolvida pelo Dr. Rodolfo Aurélio (Naturopata com formação internacional), um dos maiores especialistas em naturopatia e tem ajudado centenas de pessoas a atingir seus objetivos de perda de peso mais rápido do que qualquer outra dieta que existe no mercado. Formado também em fisioterapia, microfisioterapia, osteopatia.


Por que VOCÊ terá acesso a uma "arma secreta" para manter o peso ideal por toda vida e NUNCA MAIS vai sofrer com o efeito "sanfona";

Por que VOCÊ não precisará de ingerir remédios, e será tudo sem sofrimento e sem dificuldade;

Por que VOCÊ terá as "ferramentas" super poderosas a conseguir instalar crenças fortalecedoras que te encherão de FORÇA DE VONTADE POSITIVA, o que não vão te deixar desistir e assim terá determinação para perder peso bem rápido;

Por que VOCÊ terá conhecimentos PODEROSOS que a indústria fitness nem imagina que existe;

Por que VOCÊ saberá os alimentos que te fazem muito mal e que deverá evitar a todo custo;

Por que VOCÊ vai DESCOBRIR e EXPERIMENTAR uma nova forma de se comportar, alimentar e escapar de uma vez por todas da compulsão pela comida;

Por que VOCÊ  vai ELIMINAR todos os elementos que impedem o seu corpo a queimar gordura;

Por que VOCÊ se sentirá  muito orgulhoso dos seus resultados, e vai finalmente conseguir viver a vida que sempre sonhou!!


Você vai aprender 100% online! Com 4 manuais exclusivos, sendo que cada um deles te oferece uma referência rápida de tudo o que você precisa para ter uma SUPER TRANSFORMAÇÃO  ULTRA RÁPIDA EM SEU CORPO.

E MAIS, TERÁ ACESSO A VÍDEO AULA DOS EXERCÍCIOS SUPER FÁCEIS  PARA FAZER ONDE E QUANDO QUISER ! PRIMEIRO MANUAL = Você vai descobrir a ciência por trás do emagrecimento bem rápido e saudável,aprendendo assim de como funciona nosso organismo e o motivo pelo qual engordamos; vai saber quais são as  falsas verdades (mitos) sobre o emagrecimento; vai descobrir os estranhos segredos da  indústria alimentícia , os quais são escondidos a 7 chaves!
E, muito mais...

SEGUNDO MANUAL = Você vai aprender a se desligar totalmente de crenças negativas que te prejudicam a emagrecer.

E,muito mais...

TERCEIRO MANUALVocê vai aprender passo a passo de como transformar o seu corpo em uma "máquina" de queimar gordura 24horas por dia a seu favor; vai aprender quais são os alimentos CERTOS que deve consumir para potencializar a TOTAL queima de gordura.(  NÃO É O QUE VOCÊ ESTÁ PENSANDO!); vai saber as simples técnicas de consumir os alimentos prediletos e mesmo assim perdendo peso todos os dias; irá se livrar PARA SEMPRE DO EFEITO SANFONA.

E, muito mais...

QUARTO MANUAL=Você vai aprender a fazer exercícios por (10 minutos,3x na semana, com pequenas séries de 30 segundos), super simples ,mas,  aliados ao método, te ajudará com resultados INCRÍVEIS com perda de gordura e a tonificar os músculos em uma forma SENSACIONAL; vai descobrir o erro nº1 para você não praticar durante os exercícios.

E,muito mais...


CAPÍTULO PREMIUM Assim que concluir os 21 dias, você terá esse sensacional manual  para você elevar o seu corpo ao nível superior e terá a "chave secreta" para ter o corpo lindo; vai saber o que deve ser feito para chegar ao seu PESO IDEAL EM TEMPO RECORDE, com método 100% natural, ficando com o corpo esbelto, enxuto e extremamente atraente!!! Com aquele corpo que você sempre sonhou,imagina? Pode acreditar, vai conseguir!

INCRÍVEL LIVRO COM AS TOP RECEITAS = Você vai conseguir poupar dinheiro e tempo enquanto perde peso de uma forma natural, fácil e  gostosa; terá acesso também as receitas super saborosas, práticas, baratas, saudáveis e comprovadas que te ajudarão a perder peso,pois a nutrição é sem dúvida componente chave para toda essa transformação na sua vida.

BÔNUS SURPRESA = Nele você terá informações sigilosas sobre o mundo de emagrecimento, descobrindo assim qual é o alimento que faz muito mal a saúde e que você deverá evitar a todo custo.



Emagrecer Urgente

Social Media Marketing (SMM) services

SMM is the new frontier. More and more business is changing their marketing movements too heavily to rely on, if not completely incorporate, the use of social networks to promote their company and its items. But promotion is not just a small drop in the waterfall of SMM plans. The true success of SMM marketing is not essentially profitability. The main reason why SMM is vital is because it allows brands to engage a community across the brand is the target. Through social media management, a brand can turn into a trusted friend and increase a loyal following.
The Social Media marketing practitioner at seosmm, Inc. Apply SMM plan through research, evolution, analysis, and implementation. Because community establishment is the aim, brand-visibility must take the middle edge. All our SMM Company does accounts for increased visibility within community & branding outreach. Our professional understands the imperative of socially-engaging a community, and important role our company can play in your nonstop visibility, brand awareness, and community outreach.
Our Social Media Marketing services include FaceBook likes, Instagram likes, and YouTube views, Twitter followers, and evolutions of your company’s present engagement in social media networks emphasizing value and trust management, community, accessibility and content delivery. Focusing on these SMM plans provide our SMM specialist a platform to completely access and delve into the following problem when looking at a customer’s Social Media presence and create recommendations accordingly:
Trust management- social media has huge differences once compared to other advertising models. An SMM experts understand that rely is about original interaction and relationship building as opposed to just disseminating a message & giving a sale pitch.
Integrate Social-Media on the site- is the website Social media enabled? Make a friendly space for marketers, journalists and bloggers with RSS feed. Allowing a community to reach info directly from the source is Why Social-Media-Marketing is integral to Social Media success.
Community networks- our company has skilled staff who specialize in Social Media Marketing, for our quality services you have need to buy views on any social Media or Buy Facebook likes, buy Instagram likes, buy followers on Twitter and buy likes on any other social Media platforms and leave the rest to us. 
Multimedia Sites- either host on your own website or build an account and add top material to Multimedia sites like Flicker, YouTube, and many others. Our experts refer to these content pieces as engagement objects, the objects by which the community engages and the objects by which you engage with your company.
High rated Media content- recognize the top content on your website already available, including, but limited to photos, videos, slideshows, PDFs, and other Media pieces. As an SMM company, we also offer SMM services around making new content to share and building links & trust for your website.
Every development we create amounts to one collective strategic purpose: improved online visibility. That means your website has the ability to genuinely interact with more customers, turn into better networked online, and share more branded content. Seosmm, Inc. is an SMM company that places enormous emphasis on SMM strategies.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A Course in Miracles and Awakening by David Hoffmeister

Enjoy the following excerpt from a transcribed talk given by A Course in Miracles teacher David Hoffmeister.

Like the Horatio Alger stories, "Pull yourself up from your disadvantaged past and make something of yourself." That was even an army slogan as I was growing up, "Be all that you can be." Oh great. I think I have better aspirations than going around gunning down people in other countries, but still it was the whole thing. It was no different than trying to improve your life, improve your circumstances, and all the work and all the energy that goes into striving to have a better life. All of it's for naught because still you are dreaming a dream and if you actually begin to grasp this, you will soon get over self-improvement. You will soon get over trying to make the world a better place and all the work; just think of the social services, end world hunger, what do you mean? Who invented world hunger? That's part of a dream. There's nuclear proliferation, the fight to save the whales, save the dolphins, all of the things that people try to do—eat better; go organic. What does it matter? It’s a dream. It's’ a dream! It is not going to help.

The only thing you can do with a nightmare is to forgive it. See it without judgment. See it simultaneous instead of linear and wake up from it. This is how A Course in Miracles describes awakening. And go back to your eternal nature, which is pure bliss. People say, That sounds boring! It's too boring. But it’s not boring. I am telling you, it is not boring. It is joyful. It is not boring at all.

We get words like, I am more peaceful than I was before. I will tell you. Nothing is a matter of more or less. Everything is absolute. You know, the old thing that used to come from Christianity, “It’s all or nothing. It's all or nothing.” I used to hate that. I'd say, Aw, come on. All or nothing? Black and white? Guess what? Who gets to eat crow? It really is, “All or nothing.”

And truth is not a matter of degrees, little increments, and moments. The truth is true and only the truth is true and we start to see when you finally make it back to the Beyond all Idols section in A Course in Miracles, way towards the back of the text, Jesus starts off the section, “What is an idol? Do you think you know?” He asks the question, and he answers, “An idol is for more of something. It does not matter more of what.” Even peace of mind. It does not matter more of what.

So the awakening is not in the script. The awakening is a change in the perspective on the script from linear to simultaneous. So that is what we are talking about.

A lot of times, people will ask, Well, what about Enlightened Beings? What about Jesus? That seemed to be in the script. There seemed to be a point where he started talking like he wasn't a human being anymore. “Before Abraham was, I am.” But remember, it’s the man. The man wasn't enlightened. The man is just a mask. Enlightenment isn't male or female. Enlightenment isn't masculine or feminine. Those are still dualistic concepts that are projected onto the screen and enlightenment itself has nothing to do with masculine or feminine or male or female. A Course in Miracles is your best source on this.

To learn more about the teachings of A Course in Miracles and David Hoffmeister, please visit his website at

Plastic Surgery Tips

Although some people believe that cosmetic surgery is always unnecessary and vain, this is not always the case. Those who have suffered from injuries or accidents that have left permanent marks may consider this option to increase confidence.

Keep the tips on this page handy to help you choose wisely among the many options available to you and also read about and consider the benefits of having your Rhinoplasty in Dubai. Plastic Surgeons in Dubai now offer a very diverse range of medical and aesthetic procedures but rhinoplasty still remains the most popular. 

If you have already decided on one surgery or another, and it is coming soon, there is some preparing you need to do. One of the most important things to consider is your pre-op diet. You want to avoid gaining or losing too much weight in this period as it can change things for your doctor. Prepare yourself for a large range of questions from friends and family before getting any kind of cosmetic surgery. Many people don’t understand or respect the benefits that a cosmetic procedure offer and they may be initially judgmental. Remain patient with these people and help them to understand why you chose to do this.

There are many times in life when saving money is an important part of a purchasing decision, however, cosmetic or plastic surgery is not one of these times. This does not mean that you need the most expensive surgeon possible, but you probably want to avoid budget plastic surgery as well. Use the Internet to your advantage. There are often discounts, and coupons available for cosmetic procedures. Some centers are even featured on sites like Group on. Pay attention to the fine print though. Make sure you are eligible to receive the discount. Generally, you can’t get your money back after, you pay for the coupon.

Some cosmetic surgeons do not care about you, but others do and will give you good suggestions. There are some dangers associated with this decision that should be considered before going in for surgery. Keep this information in mind so that you can make an educated decision.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Course in Miracles - People Are Thoughts

Enjoy this excerpt from a transcribed talk from the awakened joyful mind of David Hoffmeister, a profound and uncompromising A Course in Miracles teache

One of the things I opened up with today is the nondual idea from A Course in Miracles, that people aren't really people, they're just thoughts. If you think about all the struggle and pain and misery in human relationships it's because of the belief that you're a person and that there are other people and they don't go together very well on this planet, or any planet for that matter, any reality, even in science fiction! The Klingons never get on with the Romulans and they never get along with the Borg, you know, even when we're off into Star Trek, in other realms, the beings are not getting along. Even George Lucas; Star Wars, it wasn't star harmony it was Star Wars and the 'dark side' and Darth Vader. It wouldn't make much of a story or a drama if it was - la la la la la la la (singing) la la la la la la live for today, hey! La la la la la la la live for today and don't worry about tomorrow anyway.

That makes for a beautiful song and a beautiful movie if that's what you want and, if you want drama and conflict, there's wars and all kinds of interpersonal conflicts. Jesus says in A Course in Miracles the world is very tired - this tiny mad idea has been playing out over and over, like in Groundhog Day, it just loops and loops. You just get bored with it, you get tired with it, you try to find distractions but they only work for a while and then they don't even work. You can't even distract yourself very well because after a while it's tiring.

I'm going to start off our voyage tonight with that clip from Solaris and it's called 'partial memories'. This is the scene where Red is speaking and the George Clooney character is just beginning to discover that what he thinks of as his wife, who committed suicide, who's coming back into his awareness, she's really there with him now. Somehow she killed herself and now she's back there around Solaris. But she's going to be teaching that she's not a whole person; she's just a reflection or a projection of his memories, of what he thought of her. This is one of the reasons why reincarnation will never work, because any time we're trying to find reality or any kind of sense of meaning in linearity, we're looking for meaning where it can't be found.

Linear time was invented by the ego so that you would never know meaning; it's actually what Jesus calls in A Course in Miraclesan impossible situation. So what happens when you try to order an impossible situation, even with a reincarnation perspective to try to make some meaning out of the whole thing, is; you're trying to bring meaning to the impossible. And the whole teaching of forgiveness in A Course in Miracles  is you come to see the impossible as impossible, no longer keep trying to find meaning in the impossible, which is very frustrating. 

If you enjoyed this excerpt and would like to learn more about A Course in Miracles and the teachings of David Hoffmeister, visit

Thursday, August 17, 2017

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Top 5 Tips on How to Prepare your Essay with the Help of a Sample Admission Essay

Top 5 Tips on How to Prepare your Essay with the Help of a Sample Admission Essay
We are inspired to think when we read something very stimulating. That is why using a sample essay to make your own admission essay is a good idea. The ideas, coherence, and arrangement of topics in a sample essay can help you substantially. You can also use a sample essay for research purposes. Below are the top 5 tips that you can use in using a sample essay to start with your own.

1. Choose the right essay.
There are essays that appeal strongly because they are excellently written. However, these essays may not be the right ones for you. You must remember that the authors of those essays are able to write a high-quality piece because they chose the right topics for them. So the first step that you should take is to choose an essay that deals with a topic that you know well. This topic must also interest you so you will be more motivated in making your essay.

2. Understand the essay fully.
You cannot use a material unless you understand it. If you lack understanding of it, you will just end up borrowing phrases from it instead of coming up with your own ideas. A full understanding of a statement can stimulate ideas in your head. It also shows that the topic is interesting to you and fits you well. Moreover, a good understanding of an essay allows you to use the material fully.

3. Be aware of plagiaristic practices.
Committing plagiarism is a huge minus in your admission score. It also gives the evaluators the impression that you are incapable of generating your own ideas. Refer to plagiarism guidelines from reliable sources before using any information from the sample essay that you are using.

4. Compare the sample essay with your own.
It is still plagiarism even if you did not intentionally copy a work. You might have unknowingly lifted information from your sample essay. Better re-read the sample essay and compare it with your own work. Avoid any similarity from the sample essay. If you have to use information from the sample essay, cite it properly. It is almost impossible to escape with plagiarism nowadays as there are many schools that utilize software that detects plagiarism.

5. Do not just revise.
It is very important to make your own essay. Do not just paraphrase, rearrange, and, all in all, revise the whole sample essay. Put some insights into your essay. Personal views will make your essay more interesting and colorful. Create a thesis statement that is different from the sample essay. Your thesis statement and conclusion are the focal points of your essay. Hence, they are the most noticeable. Make sure that none of the two have similarities to the sample essay that you are using. Again, if there are similarities, never forget to cite the sources. If there is anything to revise, it is your own work. Also, you should revise intensively. essays captain ,,

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Situs Taruhan Bola Online

V88 adalah situs judi bola yang besar bukan agen online biasa, v88 mencakup permainan judi ibcbet (maxbet), CMDbet, Opus casino, permainan judi live casino, judi poker (Dewapoker/IDN Play).

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Monday, August 14, 2017

Agen Bola Terpercaya

Dalam taruhan judi bola online tentu anda sering mendengar Situs Judi Online Sbobet.
Sbobet adalah situs taruhan judi online terbesar di dunia.sbobet beroperasi di Manila, Filipina.
Sbobet menawarkan berbagai jenis taruhan dari berbagai cabang olahraga dalam berbagai bahasa.
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Peraturan Didalam Permainan Sbobet
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Jenis Taruhan Dalam Sbobet
Ada beberapa jenis taruhan bola dalam permainan Cara Bermain Sbobet Bola apa saja jenis-jenis taruhan tersebut
sbobet bola menyediakan berbagia jenis taruhan bola diantaranya adalah :
  1. Taruhan Bola 1X2
    dalam taruhan ini kita hanya menebak tim mana yang menang apakah tim tuan rumah, tim tamu, ataupun draw.
    1=tim tuan rumah
    2=tim tamu
    jika yakin yang menang adalah tim tuan rumah maka kita pilih 1.
    jika sangat yakin hasil akhir pertandingan adalah seri maka  pilih X.
    jika kita yakin yang menang adalah tim tamu maka kita pilih 2.
    dan apa bila pertandingan masuk babak extra time maka taruhan tidak masuk hitungan lagi karena 1×2 hanya berlaku untuk 2×45 menit saja.
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    handicap adalah taruhan bola jalan untuk handicap bukan hanya berlaku untuk sepakbola saja tetapi juga berlaku untuk cabang olahraga yang lain.
  3. Correct score
    correct score adalah taruhan menebak hasil akhir dalam pertandingan dalam correct score ada 2 jenis diantaranya adalah :
    First half correct score adalah menebak hasil akhir di babak pertama.
    Full time correct score adalah menebak hasil akhri dalam 2×45 menit.
  4. Double Chance
    dalam taruhan ini pemain dapat memilih 2 dari 3 kemungkinan apakah tim tuan rumah menang dan seri atau tim tamu menang.
  5. First To Kick Off
    taruhan yang menentukan tim mana yang akan mengambil kick off duluan.
  6. Half Time / Full Time
    hampir sama seperti correct score yaitu menentukan hasil pertandingan babak 1 atau babak ke 2 atau pun hasil akhir 2×45 menit taruhan ini hanya berlaku untuk sepakbola saja.
  7. Mix Parlay
    adalah pemain dapat bet lebih dari 1 atau 2 pertandingan minimal tim yang harus di bet dalam mix parlay adalah 3 tim.
  8. Outright
    taruhan yang menentukan siapa yang menang dalam suatu liga , kompetisi atau turnamen.
  9. Over / Under
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  10. Odds / Event
    taruhan yang menentukan apakah jumlah gol dalam pertandingan adalah memiliki angka genap atau ganjil.

Tips Cara Bermain Sbobet Bola Untuk Menang Dalam Bermain Sbobet
Bagi pecinta judi online bola Sbobet kami akan membagikan sedikit tips untuk anda :
  • Jangan terlalu serakah dalam bermain
  • Jangan terlalu gegabah dalam menentukan jenis taruhan atau tim yang ingin kita bet
  • Tetap fokus dalam melihat taruhan yang di sediakan
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Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Course in Miracles - The Unhealed Healer

a course in miracles

A Course in Miracles has certain teachings that Jesus says will take a lot of willingness and a lot of determination, over what will seem like many years before it starts to come over the horizon and into your awareness. One of the concepts that Jesus talks about in ACIM is the unhealed healer. It's very tempting to pick up this book with all this great metaphysical wisdom and to start to assimilate it like you would as a human being and then say, "Hmm, okay, I got the goods now, I can heal." And then you’re looking around and trying to find somebody to heal, with all this new metaphysical wisdom that you've got. Basically a Course in Miracles is saying that it takes a really full transfer of training to go from the unhealed healer, which is coming from a place of still seeing errors in people and the world, and thinking that you are sent there to offer the answers because of this book that you've read. Jesus says, 'no actually to forgive you have to get so aligned with the Holy Spirit in your mind that you don't see the error at all.' You’re just happy, you’re just joyful, and that happiness and that joy will be the inspiration that heals them. When other people are around you they will feel relaxed, they will feel like 'wow, this person's really happy and they’re not judging me, I can relax and be myself,' and then that's how the healing occurs when you feel relaxed. Generally people like to be happy, and gravitate towards happy people and if you have a happy state of mind then that will be a perfect ignition of healing, in fact that's the whole healing. When you’re happy the whole world is healed along with you. "When you’re smiling the whole world smiles with you," there it is, it's A Course in Miracles. So that’s one that’s pretty common.

True empathy is another one, to not be “people pleasing”. True empathy is one that takes quite a while. When the mind is diluted, and when the mind's asleep and insane, it's constantly looking outward at everything. So it's judging and evaluating everything, even its own success, it will try to use externals to judge its success. And true empathy is just a state where you come and join within to what is real and true and that's where you find the happiness, the joy, and the peace. And then you cease to be interested, you cease to care about appearances. Jesus even has a question that's posed to him in The Manual for Teachers in A Course in Miracles; "Should healing be repeated?" Basically he's saying, if you get to the point where you pray and you join and you offer healing, and then you come to a point where you have a doubt thought in your mind and you’re not sure if the healing worked, you need to come back inside, because it's your own mind where the doubt thought is. A Course in Miracles is always emphasizing the value of going inward and not believing in the reality of an external world.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Course in Miracles Teachings, All My Needs Are Provided

The following is an excerpt from a transcribed talk by David Hoffmeister, A Course in Miracles teacher, on the topic of not wanting something from the world and experiencing all of his needs being provided.

In the Bible, back in the Songs of David… a lot of people are familiar with the 23rd song.  It is a very famous song … “The Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want…” and then it goes on in a very beautiful passage that my grandmother used to repeat over and over from memory.  I shall not want.  What does that really mean?  What I would say is that, ultimately, whenever you want anything from the world, the world will want something from you.  And this gets acted out.  When you want something that you do not believe you already have, then that is the belief in lack as it says in A Course in Miracles. When you have lack in your consciousness, then the world is just a reflective mechanism.  It will mirror that back.  It will act out the belief in lack, as if you better do this, you better do that.  You are at the mercy of forces in the world.  And the reason you seem at the mercy of the forces in the world is because of the belief in lack and the belief that you want something from the world.  And oh does the world bite you back.  It is kind of a biting sense in consciousness where something comes… one issue comes up and then another issue and this and that.

So what has been really wonderful for me is my journey with the Spirit has taken me into an awareness that everything that I seem to need is provided… you know, having to become into Divine Providence, into God-dependence, Spirit-dependence.  And the more radically I have done that, the more I have actually experienced that the world is not asking anything from me.  The world just drifts off in your awareness as you start to not want something from it, you know, it leaves you alone.  The world finally does leave you alone.  It is not biting back when you are not having these wants from the world.

If you enjoyed this excerpt and would love to learn more about David Hoffmeister and his teachings on A Course in Miracles visit:

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

sistema di gestione qualità iso 9001

Sistemi & Consulenze - Servizi per la Qualità aziendale

Una giovane e dinamica realtà, con una forte esperienza sul campo, aiuta la tua azienda ad affrontare il mercato con solide certezze.
Lo fa con un nuovo concetto di consulenza, pianificando le attività insieme al cliente, seguendo necessità obiettivi e politiche, diversi da azienda ad azienda.
Le aziende si sono trovate per tanti anni ad annaspare nella obbligatorietà di legge, senza riuscirle veramente a presidiare…
Il nostro nuovo approccio mette in ordine tutti gli obblighi come in un puzzle, e crea una modalità di gestione snella rendendo partecipi gli imprenditori, sensibilizzandoli, non facendoli solo partecipare passivamente ai progetti, ma creando ed accrescendo conoscenze che non possono essere demandate soltanto ad aziende esterne senza nessuna certezza di controllo d’efficacia.
Partiamo da quello che l’azienda già fa generando grazie all’implementazione di un sistema di gestione una spirale di miglioramento continuo.
Chi seguirà la tua azienda?
Al fianco dell’imprenditore e dei suoi lavoratori ci sono i nostri consulenti, persone concrete, professionali, competenti che provengono da realtà di enti di certificazioni accreditati e da aziende di consulenza.
I nostri punti chiave sono:
Esperienza:i consulenti Sistemi & Consulenze sono professionisti che vivono le aziende, le conoscono, hanno affrontato insieme alle aziende problemi, successi, nascite e rinascite; conoscono i processi aziendali, sanno come presidiarli; conoscono le organizzazioni e le loro criticità; proporranno soluzioni adatte a te, e sceglieranno insieme a te la strada da imboccare.
Professionalità:i consulenti di Sistemi & Consulenze effettuano il proprio lavoro in modo continuato ed intenso da anni, questo è il loro lavoro e lo svolgono con scrupolosità, rispetto della tua azienda e del lavoro di tutti.
Competenza:i consulenti Sistemi & Consulenze sono professionisti sempre aggiornati sulle nuove leggi a cui le aziende devono conformarsi, alle nuove tecniche di formazione e di intervento in azienda; seguono corsi periodicamente, si aggiornano e perfezionano ogni giorno.
In cosa crediamo?
Ø  Crediamo nelle capacità delle aziende, per le quali lavoriamo da anni
Ø  Crediamo nella organizzazione aziendale come strumento di crescita
Ø  Crediamo che la gestione aziendale porti efficienza efficacia e notevoli risparmi
Ø  Crediamo nel coinvolgimento attivo di lavoratori e fornitori
Ø  Crediamo nella progettazione e pianificazione delle attività
Ø  Crediamo che il successo di un’azienda passi anche attraverso la conformità alle leggi applicabili
Ø  Crediamo nei nuovi linguaggi, nei nuovi mercati per il successo delle aziende moderne
I Nostri Servizi
Nell’ambito volontario effettuiamo servizi di consulenza e formazione nelle aree:
Ø  Salute e Sicurezza
o   Valutazioni dei Rischi Generali e  Specifici
Prevenzione Incendi
o   Sorveglianza Sanitaria
o   Formazione ai lavoratori ed ai datori di lavoro
o   Verifiche di messa a  Terra e  Mezzi di Sollevamento
Ø  Sicurezza ed Igiene Alimentare
o   Valutazioni dei Rischi Manuali di Autocontrollo
o   Manuali di Autocontrollo Piscine
o   Manuali di Autocontrollo Legionella
o   Formazione Alimentaristi
o   Analisi di Laboratorio
Ø  Ambiente
o   Valutazioni Ambientali
o   Bonifiche
o   Autorizzazioni Ambientali
o   Analisi di Laboratorio
o   Inquinamento acustico
o   Formazione ai lavoratori ed ai datori di lavoro
Ø  Privacy
o   Valutazione dei Rischi DAP ex DPS
o   Formazione ai Responsabili ed Addetti al trattamento dati
Nell’ambito non volontario effettuiamo progettazione, implementazione e mantenimento per i seguenti schemi:
Ø  Certificazione Qualità
o   ISO 9001
Ø  Certificazioni Ambientali
o   ISO 14001
o   Emas
o   Ecolab
o   Carbon FootPrint
o   Water FootPrint
Ø  Sicurezza sul lavoro
o   ISO 45001
Ø  Certificazioni Alimentari
o   ISO 22000
o   ISO 22005
o   FSSC 22000
o   BRC (Tutte le Tipologie)
o   IFS (Tutte le Tipologie)
o   GLOBAL GAP (Tutte le Tipologie)
o   BIO
§  Vegan
§  Gluten free
§  Protocolli FDA….

Ø  Religiosa
o   SimplyHalal
o   Kosher
Ø  Energia
o   ISO 50001
Ø  Etica
o   ISO 26001
o   SA 8000
o   EN 1090
o   ISO 27001
o   ISO 17025
o   Tarature Strumentazioni
o   Audit I  Parte (Interni)
o   Audit II Parte (Fornitori)
o   Audit III Parte (Enti di Certificazione)
o   Norme Tecniche Servizio / Prodotto
o   Processi Speciali
Altri nostri servizi:
Ø  Partecipazioni bandi, fondi Europei, statali
Ø  Credito e  Micro credito
Ø  Analisi aziendale
Ø  Consulenza di mercato
Ø  Consulenza Agraria PSR, PAC,…
Ø  Sviluppo piani commerciali
Ø  Coaching Aziendale
Ø  Comunicazione
Ø  Vari Partner sui servizi

Sistemi & Consulenze Crede nel lavoro di squadra, noi con voi!!!!
Per essere competitivi nei mercati internazionali odierni è sempre più necessario gestire risorse, fornitori, processi, monitorare indicatori di performance, tenere sotto controllo i rischi, analizzare i feedback della clientela e aver ben chiaro il raggiungimento degli obbiettivi prefissati conseguenti alla propria politica aziendale...
In poche parole avere implementato in azienda uno o più sistemi di gestione NECESSARI per avere una fotografia reale, un presidio totale per una crescita e miglioramento aziendale continuo.
Contattaci!! Sistemi & consulenze, sarà al tuo fianco per guidarti nelle giuste scelte sulla strada della conformità legislativa e del miglioramento continuo per i sistemi di gestione, le certificazioni alimentari e  le certificazioni ambientali, su tutto il territorio nazionale. sistema di gestione qualità iso 9001 , certificazione qualità iso 9001

Sistemi & Consulenze servizi per la Qualità Aziendale

Address:        Via Generale Cantore 33/37 58100 Grosseto IT
Tel:                 + 39 0564 078336